Centre Congregational Church

United Church of Christ

We Welcome Everyone: An “Open & Affirming” Church

Handicap Accessible

Phone: (781) 334-3050   Fax:  (781) 334-6463;   Email: [email protected]

5 Summer Street, Lynnfield, Massachusetts  01940


Ministry Moments – Church Office

There is a lot going on in the church office. If you like the idea of getting to know more about your church while helping out for an hour or so, there are a few things that you may be interested in helping with…

There is a team of people who help get our Tower Notes newsletter ready for the mail. In addition to Tower Notes, we have occasional all-church mailings that need to go out, and from time to time I need someone to come in and cover the phone , etc. if I am not able to be in the office.

Years ago, we had someone who clipped local newspaper articles that mentioned any of our members. Maybe you would be interested in taking up that task again.

There are more things that we could use extra help with, including phone calling and delivery scheduling of the altar flowers, help when we update our People Book (our Church Directory), etc. If you’d like to know more about any of these projects, please just let me know!

- Susan Spear, Church Secretary

For more information about the Church Office, please send us an email